
Classroom Management Plan

Training procedures
Training procedures is an integral part of my classroom management plan. At the beginning of the year, I spend time reviewing and practicing procedures so that students know the expectations. I take students on a classroom tour, and indicate to them the steps for every single procedure in the classroom, including entering the classroom, dismissing, turning in work, dealing with incomplete work, going to the bathroom and getting water, defining teacher vs. student areas, running errands, and going to lunch, specials, and recess.

Positive expectations
Maintaining clear, positive expectations helps the students understand what is expected of them at every point in the day. At the beginning of the year, I plainly demonstrate my expectations for noise, respect, and overall behavior with frequent reminders and prompts. I cultivate a culture of mutual respect, in which I make sure that students understand that I do not hold grudges against them, and communicate that each day is a clean start.

Open parent communication

Engagement and Opportunities for Structured Movement

Consistency and routine
I write the schedule on the board every day so that the students know what to expect each day. This is especially helpful for my autistic/ASD students, and my students with anxiety. We follow a consistent routine each day, and do things in roughly the same order. Consequences are evenly and consistently applied for inappropriate behavior.