Geography: Places and Regions

Unit Information

Landmarks of the United States
Five Regions of the United States
Countries of North America
Countries of the Caribbean

North American Map

Regions of U.S.

Caribbean Map

Places and Regions

SS.3.G.2.1: Label the countries and commonwealths in North America (Canada, United States, Mexico) and in the Caribbean (Puerto Rico, Cuba, Bahamas, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica).

SS.3.G.2.2: Identify the five regions of the United States.

SS.3.G.2.3: Label the states in each of the five regions of the United States.

SS.3.G.2.4: Describe the physical features of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean.

SS.3.G.2.5: Identify natural and man-made landmarks in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean.

SS.3.G.2.6: Investigate how people perceive places and regions differently by conducting interviews, mental mapping, and studying news, poems, legends, and songs about a region or area.

Links and Activities

Regions of the United States
Kid Port - Landmarks of United States
